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Added Social Value - The Appropriate Adult Service (TAAS) ltd

In my "other life" I am a manager within TAAS, supporting children and vulnerable adults within the Criminal Justice System, trying to ensure equity for all. I am very fortunate to have employers who understand the value of our charity and are very supportive.

In the past TAAS have funded some amazing play equipment for our pre-school and new tables and chairs to enable our children to learn and eat in comfort. COVID has hit our rural community hard - not only in terms of illness but also financially. There is no benefit system, no furlough, no support and obviously this affects every aspect of our children's lives. There is little, if any income for food, let alone education now lockdown is easing.

TAAS have stepped up once again to provide financial support to ensure our children will be fed daily and continue their education, at no cost to themselves, to assist in rebuilding our community. Many households are child led or with elderly relatives who are caring for huge numbers of orphaned children.

This amazing gesture ensures both food security and continuing education for a whole year and we'd like to thank Alex & Ben Hawkins, directors of TAAS, for another amazing gesture.

The photo's show the delight on our children's faces at playtime and how this support has enabled us to ensure there are no rumbly tummy's, enables concentration but ultimately stops our children from malnourishment with potentially fatal consequences

Thanks TAAS!


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